Monday, September 8, 2008

t.s. eliot!! stop making fun of me!!

i didn't forget about this- just took a vacation. lost my mind a bit.

but now i've gathered a few of my marbles and... if i had more than five minutes i would probably say something substantial.

instead, i will note that everything in my head right now deserves to be there or is trivial and non-emotional.


nothing is bothering me :-D i think that is a good start to a beautiful fall semester.

(ps: the waste land makes perfect sense to me in kari-terminology. the conclusion that i have come to is that mister t.s. ladidah is mocking us because it doesn't matter how we interpret his melting pot of a poem, we're never going to know what he was thinking when he wrote it!!! unless he was thinking "fuck you. criticize this.")
